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Hi there! Welcome to Strides of Change.

My name is Chantal Thenberg, founder of Strides of Change Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) and Coaching. I am based in Redlands, Queensland, Australia and take pride in being able to deliver my programs globally.

I love helping people who are at a turning point in their life reconnect with themselves and navigate change, through both EAL and online coaching. I believe the most powerful answers will always come from YOU, and it is a coach’s job to rumble with the hard questions to empower the individual so they can make their unique impact felt in the world. This is my calling.

I started on my Equine Assisted Learning journey in 2009, when I started blog writing about my experiences retraining traumatised horses, starting young horses under saddle and how parts of them heal parts of us, and vice versa. I personally experienced their life-changing gifts as a teenager navigating a rocky world. I eventually became accredited in the EAGALA model of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and worked/studied with EAL/EAP trainers across Australia, NZ and America. I competed at elite level equestrian, FEI 3* Eventer with my heart horse Jack (pictured) who turned out to be the most incredible therapy horse. 

I grew up with a lot of change - 8 schools, many houses, many moves, many people, family dynamics and time alone. I travelled solo through Europe, Australia, Uk, Asia and NZ, including working as a dressage rider in Germany at 21. At age 34, after 16 years in Construction (Carpentry, Project Manager, Builder) I officially left the corporate construction world in 2019 to follow my calling full time.

My studies include Counselling, Life Coaching, NLP, Mental Health, Alcohol & Other Drugs (AOD - Addictions), Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and trauma informed psychotherapy. I dived into personal development and trauma release therapies in my early 20’s with immersive programs such as Tony Robbins events, The Journey by Brandon Bays and other varied retreats that helped me shine a light on the dark places that were holding me back. I threw myself into enough programs, books and studies to fill an ocean, yet I still love it and always want to be learning more, while living what I have learned. I want to engage in life fully and drink in the beauty of every experience, the darkness and the light.

Drawing on my strengths, I have put together a service I believe there is a high demand for and that I have not seen elsewhere. 

It is my hope that through my work, my stories and reflections I will connect with those who may benefit from resonating with someone when ‘they thought it was just me’.

If you resonate with what I share send me a DM! I love connecting with like-minded souls around the world.

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